React Project – III

Creating Cart Component

In this blog let’s create a cart component. Let’s create a cart list as Cart.js.

Import Cart.js in App.js

Instead of CartItem to be rendered inside the App.js, we need to render the Cart as CartItem would be inside the Cart

Now let’s import the CartItem inside Cart.js

Let’s now add more Cart Items.

Let’s remove the heading and set some styling to this cart.

As of now we have Hard coded the CartItem. Going ahead we will make the CartItem dynamic.

Rendering a List


Previously we have seen how to render a list in our App. It’s time to render the CartItem

Previously we have seen that the 3 cart items were same(mobile). This is because we have set local state of the cartItem. Now I want that different data should be displayed in the cart Item. This is done using Props. Props we can consider as arguments.

I can pass any data from Cart to CartItem using props.

Let’s pass the props.

How to grab these props in my cartItem. Let’s navigate to the component.

This way we can iterate over the cart component and pass it to CartItem component.

Now instead of doing this.state we can do this.props.

This means that I do not need a state in CartItem.js and we can use the state in our Cart.js and Cart.js will have a list of products.


Instead of giving it just 1 product we can say that state have list of products.

Now we have to render every item of the above product list in the cart item.

Now in our CartItem I not longer have access to properties like {price, qty, item} inside props object. Let’s change it to product.

We are getting some warning as well. React wants to differentiate each cart Item which it is unable to so so right now. Let’s help React to do so.

This works perfect. But the only issue here is that our Add, Subtract and delete icon are not working. This is because they are using state available inside CartItem. However there is no state present inside CartItem.js

Handling Icons Issue

Let’s remove the increase Qty and Decrease Qty code from CartItem.js as we don’t need it anymore there.

This is how CartItem.js looks now

So as to resolve the issue we will make the Cart.js to pass a prop to CartIem.js, prop would be a function. Whenever the function is being called, the Cart would be notified that it has to increase the Quantity.

Created Increased Qty function

Now let’s pass this function as props to CartItem.

Now we need to remove the function calling which was present previously in CartItem.js {this.increaseQuantity} and call the function created above.

Removing this
Adding this

On clicking the add button the function is being called

Now let’s add the +1 functionality

Quantity increased

Similarly implement the functionality for decreasing the Quantity

Deleting Products From Cart

Adding the Navbar Component

Let’s copy some basic code from CartItem

Let’s now start creating a Navbar component.

Nothing shows up on the browser as we need to import and render our Navbar component in App.js

Let’s add some styles.

As of now the above code is a class component and it does not have any state. So we can change it to a fucntional component because it does not have any state. The way to do is as below:

We do not require a render function now

The react will pass props by default for every functional component. Therefore, we can pass it as argument.

Similarly we can change CartItem to a functional component as well.

Before Conversion
Remove the this keyword as its not a class anymore

Adding Products Count To Navbar

Count of Navbar = Item1 qty + Item2 qty ….

We know that data flows only in one direction in React i.e from Parent to child via props. Here in the above case above two components are having a sibling relation. In such cases we move our state(in this case cart state) to a component which is common to both the above component, which will be parent. And that is the App

Let’s move the state to App


Making App as a class component and adding render function and pasting the above cut code.

Now I want to pass all these functions defined like handleIncreaseQuantity etc to Cart component via props as that is missing.


Now calling these functions using props in Cart.js

We also need to pass products in App.js and the Cart component inside it

So we are not having access to this.state inside Cart.js component. So let’s change it to props.

Let’s create Cart as a functional component as it does not have any state now.

It time to check if everything is working fine or not

Everything looks good

It’s time to make the quantity count dynamic in our Navbar.

Let’s call this property in Navbar using props

Adding Total Price

About the author

Deepak Sood

Deepak Sood is Lead Consultant in an IT firm holding expertise in Devops and QA Architecture with 8 years of experience.

His expertise is in building highly scalable frameworks. His skills include Java, Configuration Management, Containers, and Kubernetes.

Reach out to him using contact form.

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