ES6 – Blocks/IIFE and Strings

In previous blogs, we have seen that to achieve data privacy in ES5 we should be using IIFE. However, Blocks and variables like let and const makes our job easier in ES6. Let’s have a look at it.

A block is not restricted to if/for loop. We can simply define a block in a below pattern.


//some code


However, if we would have used var keyword, we would have been able to access it outside the block as it is not restricted to the block scope.


There is a new enhancement to Strings in ES6 which is known as Template Literals. Let’s see how we were writing the code in ES5.

We were using + sign to concat the String

In case of ES6, in template literals we would be using back tick(`), $ and { sign. Let’s do this practically.

There are few more new things available like startsWith, endsWith, includes. Let’s have a look at them.

About the author

Deepak Sood

Deepak Sood is Lead Consultant in an IT firm holding expertise in Devops and QA Architecture with 8 years of experience.

His expertise is in building highly scalable frameworks. His skills include Java, Configuration Management, Containers, and Kubernetes.

Reach out to him using contact form.

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