Understanding DOM

DOM It refers to Document Object Model. It represent the logical structure of the page. Accessing DOM document keyword is an object. So as to get the html of the page we can write document.documentElement, to get the...

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Intro To React

React is a JavaScript library. Is is open source. React introduces an user to component based architecture where you build multiple components and put them together. A component can be considered as a Lego game, which...

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Server Streaming API

In server streaming API the client will send one request to the server and in response will receive many responses from the server. We will develop: A streaming server which will take ONE GreetManyTimesRequest that...

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Setup Install grpc-tools and google-protobuf as node module Folder structure will be as below: Let’s create a dummy proto file Its time to generate the code from the proto file. Let’s use the...

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HTTP/1.1 vs HTTP/2

The striking difference between the two is that of the performance. If you want to view that visually, visit the website as below: Http/2 is the newer standard for internet communications that address common pitfall of...

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gRPC Introduction

Before we understand what is gRPC, we need to understand few basic terminologies as below. Microservices Microservice are built in different language and encompass a function of your business. Above diagram signifies...

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